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The Development Of The Middle School Student's Social Adaptation Scale

Posted on:2008-04-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360212491398Subject:Special education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social adaptation is very important content of social psychology, psychological measurement and sociology .Middle school is a key period of individual pullulate and development, as well as social adaptation is an important content of individual personality development. If we can estimate middle school student's social adaptation scientifically, that will be important sense for their developmental guidance. The study primary aim is theoretical research, and then work out a vulgar and standardization middle school student's social adaptation scale.There are two parts of this study, the first part is theoretical research of social adaptation, for the sake of find some theoretical gists for the development of the scale. In this part, the author theoretically analysed on the concept, structure, function and infection factors of social adaptation, and discussed what's the relationship between personality and adaptation. From the first part research we can find that social adaptation is firstly a psychological adaptation or a personality adaptation, and a coping process of what internal psychological system reflect to external social environment. Social adaptation is also a dynamic and adjusted process, it need stated psychological resource and coping mechanism.The developmental personality of middle school students were perfect and pullulate with the process of social adaptation and socialization. The individuals personality development and adaptation is primary content of their sociablity development. The main effect factors of individuals sociablity development and social adaptation is cultural background, family environment, social stress, internet media, accompanier relationship and their personality particularity. Those factors should be considering for to train teen-age sociablity development and good personality adaptation. At the same time, this factors are important gists for ascertain the latitudinous of middle school student's social adaptation scale.The second part was made on the foundation of theoretical research, the study samples come from 16 shanghai middle schools, and the aim is to compile a student's social adaptation scale. From to accidence use the scale, we want to know what's the characteristics and actuality of shanghai middle school students. In this part, we firstly used visitation, documentation, opening questionnaire and others quality methods to understand what's the meaning of social adaptation by students and their teachers and parents. In this process, we also compared what difference between good social adaptation students and social maladaptation students from their experience. The aim of this quality study is to find fact gists and theoretical supports for the scale themes origin. And then, the researcher dependent on theoretical research, investigate, correlation scales, and individual visitation to ascertain the scale's latitudes and themes, and to compile the social adaptation scale.In the process, we strict dependent on the standard steps of compile a scale, include selecting themes, sampling and surveying etc. The first draft of the scale was included 241 themes. There were 298 students (male,127persons;female,171persons ) at the first survey of the scale. At this time, the scale's reliability is .9624, and the structure validity is also ideality. And then we deleted the themes which were not high correlation with the scale and their factors loading was low, thus the scale themes number were adjusted at 175. There were 3595 efficiency samples (male: 1728persons;female,1867persons,come from grade 7 to grade 12)at the second test, and the α reliability is .9705, as well as the consistent validity and standard validity is .65 and .68.From compiled the scale, tested and retested, it was made certain 4 latitudes and 9 sub-scales, they were content particularity (it include 3sub-scales: interpersonal relation, study adaptation and daily life), forecast dominate (it include 2 sub-scales: conduct criterion, emotion control), psychological adjustment (it include 2 sub-scales: environment adaptation and psychological anticipate) and dynamical support (it include 2 sub-scales: psychological motivity and psychological support). These structures of the scale were rational and which were analysed by Structure Equation Model (SEM). Every fit index of the 4 factors structure model was normative on Confirm Factor Analyse(CFA). The reliability and validity of scale was fit ideal scales standard and formed norms( male and female), those indexes were made a good foundation for next to use the scale.From compiled the scale we also found that the student's social adaptation were not improved with their ages increased but waved with their grades changed. The student's social adaptation were same with their intelligence that they had a common factor ( also be called "G" factor), the "G" factor was consanguineous with others factors and effected their developmental level and quality. The student's social adaptation had gender, grades and schools difference.The scale was firstly used at senior one , there were 6 classes and 217 students (the samples included 98 male persons and 119 female persons). Form the 9 sub-scales use of this time we can find that the social adaptation of the grade was normal as a whole, and the mal-adaptation was at conduct crite(?)on. and study adaptation. At the same time, we had a case study with one male student and one female student, the case study confirmed the scale has good differentiate and forecast. We otherwise used inquisition to understand the collectivity social adaptation of the students and found they were better, the percentage of social mal-adaptation was about 8%, and we also advanced some suggestions and strategies for how to improve their adaptation.To sum up, the study from compiled the scale and theoretical researched on social adaptation, we general analysed the student's social adaptation, and to compile the scale was also a innovation. The scale will be an ideal estimate facility for research on student social adaptation.The study's next step is to analyse social adaptation of other grades students and to repair the norms, and to particularly assay the whole themes of the scale with Item Response Theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle school students, adaptation, social adaptation, compiled scale, effect factors, stress, social support, personality
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