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Biotechnology Industry Regional Competitiveness Evaluation And Cultivation Strategy

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330374986974Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Biotechnology has become one of the fastest growing areas in the world's hightechnologies. The studies related to life science and biotechnology research have beenoccupied the dominant position of scientific research. As one of the new industries,biotechnology industry' strategic significance and socially economic value have becomea consensus. Developing biotechnology industry has already become our nation'sstrategy choice to proceed with determination under the international competition. Fromthe aspect of technology innovation management and industry innovation,biotechnology is distinct from the traditional technology as for it's series ofcharacteristics. From the actual situation in our country, biotechnology industry hasbecome the focus of industry development across the regions, at the same time, regionalimbalance phenomenon is serious, and there is no sign to be appeared that we havebiotechnology industry bases and industrial clusters which can be able to rival thepower of the foreign countries. Based on this situation, using the method of empiricalstudy combining with theory study to a series of characteristics of biotechnologyindustry, to reveal the unbalanced state of innovation with practice of China's regionalindustrial development of biotechnology, to find out reasons and influence factors, andthen on these basis to give the specific policy recommendations, which undoubtedly hasimportant theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, based on the related research, the connotation and the development ofbiological technology evolution are summarized firstly, a series of characteristic ofbiotechnology were pointed out, including technical characteristics, industrycharacteristics, value feature and innovation characteristics. Then, this paper undertookthe comparative study for the biotechnology industry' statistically definition, andcomplete a industrial structure analysis for our country using location entropycalculation methods. Based on the above-mentioned study, this paper focuses on thefollowing research content:1. Regional innovation efficiency of the biotechnology industry of our country. Taking the provincial area of our country as the object of study, based on data from2004-2010" China Statistics Yearbook on high technology industry", by using the dataenvelopment analysis method, and by means of CCR model, this research calculatesCreasing Returns-to-Scale (CRS) and Variable Returns-to-Scale (VRS) technicalefficiency from the static perspective on biological technology industry. On thiscondition without considering the time factor and the specific process of change, thestudy has analyzed the balanced state between innovation input and output, and itsrequirements to achieve this balanced condition. The study found that:(1)On a nationalscale, the overall level of regional innovation efficiency of biotechnology industryregional innovation efficiency is not high, and the maximum value in2005is only0.671,Which still has32.9%efficiency improvement space, also, the overall upward trend isnot obvious that always fluctuate from0.5to0.7for sit years;(2) The input factors ofinnovation resources as concerned, new product R&D funds is generally insufficient,and human capital investment in several provinces is redundant;(3) Innovationefficiency of the western region is generally higher than that of the east. The studyconducted to give reasonable explanation for the above findings, and to make proposalsfor promoting innovation efficiency and reasonably investing on innovation resources.2. Biotechnology industry cluster development factors of our country. With Potter'sdiamond model as the theoretical basis, This paper empirically researches these factorswhich can promote biotechnology industry cluster development such as productionelements, regional innovation ability and enterprise scale, etc. Based on the availabilityof data and literature research foundation, the influence factors were concreted intoseven aspects, namely the life science research foundation, biotechnology research anddevelopment activities, high-quality human capital availability, the establishment ofscientific and technological institutions to carry out R&D activities, governmentfunding for science and technology activities, the overall innovation capability, regionalsupport pillar biotechnology enterprise existence. With correlation analysis andregression analysis, the study found that:(1) Among the factors of production, there arethree factors: the number of the regional scientists, engineers and institutions, and thenumber of expenditure of government subsidy amount, have significant correlation withbiotechnology industry practitioners, and the correlation coefficient is achieved0.92,0.90and0.64respectively that means the above three factors are the most important to promote China's biotechnology industry clustering development;(2)Within the regions,the correlation between the total number of biotechnology companies and the numbersof large enterprises is significant at the0.01level, and the Poisson correlation reached0.87, which indicates that once the large enterprise exists in the area, it will bring thebiotechnology industry clustering development;(3) The environmental factors ofregional innovation as concerned,, the correlation between the employees ofbiotechnology industry and the comprehensive value of the regional innovation abilityis significant at the0.01level, that indicates regional integrated innovation environmenthas important implications to the development of biotechnology companies. Takingthese found as the basis, The study undertook a bivariate or multivariate regressionanalysis to the independent variable and dependent variable data, and further research ofthe one or more independent variables on a dependent variable change influence degree.3. China's biotechnology industry spatial difference. This study undertook a indexsystem which have30indicators including the industry financial indicators, R&Dactivity index, innovation activity index and others being8categories in total. By meansof analyzing the principal component factor to find the potential development ofChina's regional biotechnology industry, this study extracted industrial innovationactivity factor, industrial investment factor and industry financial status factor as thethree principal components from the main components. Taking the variance contributionrate as each principal component weights, this study constructed the competitivenessevaluation model of biotechnology industry. The study found that:(1) A total variancecontribution rate of the main components constituted by industry innovation activityfactor, industrial investment factor and industry financial factors, reached87.88%(2)The highest weight is the industrial innovation factor among the competitivenessevaluation model of biotechnology industry, reached0.6956, which can explain from aflank that the innovation activities are so important for regional industry development asthe biotechnology industry of high technology industry;(3) The results ofcomprehensive evaluation model shows that, competitiveness of the top three wereJiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang. Based on the above factors analysis, this studyundertook the cluster analysis on the biotechnology industry regional development, andthe cluster analysis dendrogram is given.4. Policy recommendations of the promotion of China's biotechnology industry development. Taking the front chapter research as a foundation, this study put forwardthree specific policy recommendations:(1) Strengthening industrial planning andmaking biotechnology industry development roadmap. The importance and the mainmethods of proceeding industrial technology planning have been analyzed, and also themethod of making industry technology roadmap has been described;(2) Strengtheningthe construction of biotechnology industry base, in order to breed of biotechnologyindustry cluster. The construction of China's biotechnology industry base has beenanalyzed, and the specific recommendations have been given to promote biotechnologyindustrial agglomeration development;(3) Constructing biotechnology industrycooperative innovation platform, especially the generic technology research anddevelopment platform. Taking the pharmaceutical industry as an example, this studyconstructed industry cooperative innovation platform system, including incentivesystem, professional hatch system and relay handshaking system. Finally, theorganizational and the operational pattern of the generic technology platform has beenthoroughly researched in this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Biotechnology, Biotechnology Industry, Regional Competitiveness, RegionalInnovation Efficiency, Spatial Difference, Policy Recommendations
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