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Study On Mechanism Of Electronic Supply Chain Collaboration Management

Posted on:2007-10-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360185996498Subject:Modern Logistics and supply chain management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the boom of information technology, and e-Business has been the main platform of business; enterprises are pushed into a global competition based on Internet. The traditional supply chain is changing into the type based on Internet and e-commerce, electronic supply chain (E-SC). Since 90es in 20th century, supply chain collaboration has become the new strategy in supply chain management. How to successfully implement E-SC collaboration management in order to make effective real time decision, quickly response to the change of market and satisfy the demand of client, and gain the competition predominance among supply chain members in practice through the dynamic collaboration under high-complicated distributed environment, is becoming an urgent and key real issue. And it's also one of the newly emergent interests of SCM academicians. But most of the studies have not built an effective theory framework, and the mechanism and method to implement collaboration management among E-SC enterprises. The paper systematicly analyses E-SC, and makes deep research of the inter-organization management collaborative mechanism from the angle of organizations, process and knowledge. So the paper fulfills the supply chain management theory, also has practical significance in inter-organization collaborative management under e-Business environment.Firstly the research analyses the collaboration level, collaboration types and characters, the factors impact collaboration and provides the study nature and scope of E-SC collaboration, builds the systematic framework of E-SC collaboration facing to organization, process and collaborative knowledge creation.Secondly supply chain has numerous inefficiencies, many of which occur at the interfaces between processes and organizations. How to recognize and understand such inefficiencies and causes, and find the remedies is the key for E-SC collaboration management. So the paper studies the organization control mechanism in detail including dynamicly selection mechanism of suppliers and partners, trust mechanism, power impact to the E-SC, and revenue distribution mechanism. The...
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic supply chain, collaboration, mechanism, process, inter-organization, logistics, knowledge creation
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