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The Socialist Market Economy Under The Conditions Of Collectivism

Posted on:2013-10-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330395455095Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being the mainstream of Chinese socialist ideology, the collectivism plays the value-leading role in the construction of socialism. Under the condition of socialist market economy, the development of collectivism does not only get new opportunities, but also face with varieties of challenges. Ethics, politics, economics, law, psychology, ideological and political education and other fields have already dipped into the study of the collectivism. Considering the basic tenets of Marxism as academic background, the present paper upholds Marxist historical materialism and dialectical analysis method, analyzes meaning, origin, theoretical orientation and historical development of the collectivism, investigate the relationship between the collectivism and socialist market economy, and attach an importance on the way in which the collectivism develops well under the condition of socialist market economy.The collectivism studied in the present paper refers to the collectivism in Maxism, the product of modern proletariat struggle. The spirit and the value of the collectivism have had a great impact since the ancient times. In terms of origin, collectivism has had been influenced not only by Chinese traditional culture, but also by western traditional culture and utopian socialism. In theoretical aspect, collectivism belongs to the important thoughts of Marx. Besides, it is also a spiritual thread in marxism localization concerning how to deal with the interest relationship.The author holds that collectivism is the core value system led by socialism, which insist a dialectical unity of collective interests and individual interests. It emphasizes that righteous interests should be put ahead of individual interests, meanwhile the collective community should protect and better individual interests. Collectivism plays a value-leading role in socialist market economy, which is manifested in several aspects such as economic system, political system, distribution system, thoughts and culture system and behaviour judgement.This paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges collectivism faces against the background of socialist market economy. Some theoretical problems are to be solved. The change of our society has a huge impact on the social background in which collectivism plays the role. Some trend centered round individualism has to a great extent reduced the influence of collectivism, resulting in a decrease of the practice of collectivism. The present paper discusses how to develop collectivism under current social circumstances from three aspects, namely, education, practice and theory. The author believes that party members, cadres and teenagers should pay special attention to this. And the education should be proceed in an orderly way. The author believes that experiences from other countries should be absorbed to create a new paradigm for collectivism including way of expressing, social impact, explore a path for collectivism from the aspects of socialist economy construction, political construction, culture construction, society construction and eco-system construction. This paper tries to solve the theoretical confusion and holds that the theory of collectivism should be developed from three aspects of collective belief system, protecting public interests and mutual benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:collectivism, socialist market economy, the pattern of socialinterests, the core value systems of socialism
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