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Research On Chemistry Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1267330431963097Subject:Disciplinary education
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Pedagogical content knowledge(PCK)is a core knowledge of teacher and an important part of teacher professional development, it has deeply influenced the teachers’ professional development since USA scholars Shulman introduced it in1986. Ministry of education of China clearly defined pedagogical content knowledge is one of the professional knowledge of middle school teachers in first " teachers’ professional standard".In order to understand the characteristics of teaching knowledge of Chinese Chemistry teachers,specially the characteristics of outstanding teachers’ Chemistry pedagogical content knowledge. This Paper focuses on the following questions:1) what it should be the composition of Chemistry pedagogical content knowledge following the characteristics of the Chemistry and the concept of Chemistry curriculum.2)What it is the composition of Chemistry pedagogical content knowledge in fact? It will bechanged as the teachers varies, It will be changed as the types of teaching content varies,and it will be changed as the longer years spenting on teaching.3) Is there a difference between the top teachers and the ordinary teachers? What is the difference, Their top teachers’s CPCK ismore richer andmore reasonable?4) what are the CPCK of the top teachers’ and what is the characteristics of them in the teaching of the chemical reaction rate.The first part is theoretical construction. Based on literature review and text analysis, we discuss the meaning and method of studying pedagogical content knowledge. Based on analyzing concept development, structural features and developmental characteristics of pedagogical content knowledge, we propose that pedagogical content knowledge consists of three categories:understanding the teaching contents about a particular topic, understanding students’ cognitive characteristics about specific teaching subject, understanding teaching strategies about specific teaching subject. Then the three categories are divided into16subcategories according to the characteristics of chemistry and characterization of chemistry curriculum.The second part is study on the composition of CPCK.Through classroom observation and interview examined the chemistry teachers’ composition of CPCK actual state. Study found that the composition of composition of CPCKis different, some composition in the case lesson have higher frequency, some composition’s frequency is lower, it shows that the different teacher has the different conpostion of CPCK, some teachers composition of CPCK is more and others is less; Teachers have difference composition of CPCK in teaching element compounds and chemical principle, such as teachers’ understanding of core knowledge’s hierarchy, there are more insights in teaching chemical principle than in teaching element compounds; Teachers have difference composition of CPCK as the years changed spenting on teaching.Teachers have more insights about scientific-concept and scientific-process related to core knowledge when they have longer teaching years.The third part is the study of knowledge and the characteristics of CPCK of top teachers in teaching chemical reaction rate. This research includes2chapters (Chapter6and chapter7). By comparing the CPCK of top teachers’and general teachers’ teaching, it is discovered that there are a huge difference between the top teachers’ and general teachers’CPCK, such as scientific concept to core knowledge、 understanding of teaching strategy based on the content features; All of teachers are lack of understanding of misconceptions, There are a considerable levels between top teachers and general teachers on the understanding of relationship between the chemical reaction rate and daily life, the understanding of students’ daily life experience and understanding of students’ learning difficulties about specific subject studying. Chapter7is documented of the top teacher’s CPCK in teaching the chemical reaction rate and analyzed the characteristics of their CPCK.Top teachers’CPCK has a special composition,it is understanding of the significance of teaching content. There are four compostions in top teacher’s CPCK:understanding of teaching specific content, the understanding of students’ learning about specific subject,understanding of the significance of teaching content and the understanding of teaching strategy,the four parts interworked and interconnected to ensure the holism and integrality of top teacher’s CPCK.
Keywords/Search Tags:pedagogical content knowledge(PCK), teachers’ knowledge, teacher professional development, Chemistry teaching, Chemistry pedagogical content knowledge(CPCK)
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