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A Spiritual Philosophy Form On The Identity Of Morality And Well-being

Posted on:2017-06-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Q RenFull Text:PDF
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According to historical investigation of the concept of 'spirit',the kernel of its cultural life presents the pursuit of 'God/divinity-saint/sage'(holiness),Chinese culture and non-Chinese culture contribute elements of 'saint'and 'divinity' of 'spirit',respectively.The ultimate 'object' of philosophical research is 'whole' which is all-inclusive,contemplation of 'whole' is the most thorough thinking;when a person or an individual exhausts all spiritual strength to reasonably and rationally explore'whole',on account of human being's finity,'whole' is appeared to the individual two states which are 'cann't be absolutely incredible' and 'can be incredible',the former is transformed into 'God,' the latter is promoted to 'metaphysical arche'.Thus,the combination of 'spirit' and 'philosophy' generates basic characteristics of a 'spiritual philosophy':a real person's understanding,reflection and comprehending about'whole' namely all spiritual activities as prime power,and the holiness as purpose,a person try to find the reasonableness and rationality of the process of human being's cognition and action.It is difficult to achieve the universal and necessary identity of morality and well-being,there are four fundamental reasons:1,the individual spirit doesn't rise to the 'whole' level,and then the spirit doesn't interact with 'whole' to define the concept of morality and well-being and the most universal correlation with them;2,man makes divinity,sanctity and holiness lost by demystifying the transcendental world and the transcendental world;3,The separation of fact and value leads to the distinction,stalemate and conflict of 'the valuable good' and 'the factual good';4,man doesn't make transition from science-based facts,surface ecological worldview to the deep ecological value,still adheres to modes of thinking and action which take human being as absolute center.To this the unique contribution from the philosophy of spirit is:to understand 'one'as an experiential individual or a community,transcendent God and transcendental metaphysical arche;to interpret the 'identity' as'be identical with one',the 'identity' also has three types which are 'empirical','transcendent' and 'transcendental' accordingly;morality is interpreted as the valuable good of whole or the highest good or the best good,and well-being is interpreted as the factual good of whole,therefore the problem identity of morality and well-being translates to 'how to achieve consistency of valuable(morally)good and factual good in level of whole.'According to the three types of 'one' and the three types of 'identity',they generate three shapes which are empirical shape,transcendent shape,and transcendental shape.By the function of the individual spirit,empirical 'whole'appears as family,organization,country,life community and ecological community.Family members' identity of morality and well-being is united in family ethic;morality and well-being of organization members achieve identity by weak rules(norms);national citizens achieve their own consistency of morality and well-being according to strong rules(laws);the welfare of non-human life becomes reality through reverencing for life and treating life well,therefore human morality is extended beyond human being;man understands and protects the natural ecosystem and makes it in the best balance state that can both protect the biological living beings' welfare or well-being and offer the most complete experience conditions for human being's identity of morality and well-being.The empirical identity of morality and well-being has an epoche on or does not recognize dimension of transcendence which has only partial validity and rationality,to which the concept of identity will inevitably require more universal identical way,but it will go to the other extreme which makes the hopes for identity dependent on the transcendent God.In transcendent belief,morally good and evil are prescribed by God,and human beings have no right to define good and evil and good and evil of their actions.Man acts to follow the commandments of God that is good and obtains God's blessing,on the other hand is evil.It is guaranteed by completely having faith in God and unconditionally complying with God's commandments that are the rationality of morality and the necessary identity of morality and well-being.At last,God realizes the identity of them fully;on the one hand,God has insight into all motives and actions of human being,and on the other,human being's soul must accept the final judgment before God after the death of his natural life.Thus,it is the ultimate premises of the identity of morality and well-being which are absolute belief in God,following God's commandments and the human soul to bear retributions.Only absolute belief in God is the complete,full and perfect guarantee to realize the transcendent identity of both,since God's commandments are promulgated by God and the human soul is given by God,but human beings have free will.However,we only expect God's salvation and willingly recognize the paradox of morality and well-being in this life world,the identity of morality and well-being is in the other world which has a negative effect on a limited life,therefore identical problem of morality and well-being translate into 'according to his finiteness,how human being takes the initiative to create unlimited identity of morality and well-being?'The transcendental 'one' is metaphysical arche of experiential things,it is unable to go beyond experiential world and create experiential things like God,but become to be essence in experiential things which is only branch and function of metaphysical arche,because metaphysical arche trys to generate a 'world of whole' which is all-encompassing,therefore the forming transcendental identity is 'trend to infinite identical process of whole via empirical finite'.In transcendental realm,morality is metaphysical valuable good and well-being as metaphysical factual good,the optimal solution is about identity of morality and well-being that is to create a universal and necessary cause-and-effect linkage between them.In this regard,the three main Chinese traditional philosophical schools contribute the most ultimate program of thinking and action:Confucianism pursues the Way of the highest good that generates the valuable whole;Taoism conforms to 'the greatest Tao' that naturally presents factual whole;Buddhism establishes karma law between 'aluable good or evil' and'factual good or bad';combination of three schools can make transcendental identity of morality and well-being with universality and necessity.'hole'(at least)necessarily includes experiential hierarchy,transcendent hierarchy and transcendental hierarchy,so spiritual philosophy form on the identity of morality and well-being must fuses the three kinds identity mentioned above,only by this,individual can command his own spiritual ability to establish universal,necessary,holy and real identity of morality and well-being on any condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:identity of morality and well-being, philosophy of spirit, one/whole, empirical shape, transcendent shape, transcendental shape
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