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Research On The Development Of Contemporary Chinese Political Culture

Posted on:2018-04-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330542471704Subject:Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese society comes at an important period of social transition and reform.Chinese communist party should have a firm grasp of ideological work and firmly safeguard national security also the Red value consensus."Chinese dream",the Socialist core values,"four aspects","five ideas" is connect with the political value orientation of people such as the grooming of political psychology.The political culture can not only adapt to the process of democratization in socialism with Chinese characteristics,but also consolidate multiple subject interest trend and value conflict and contradiction caused by urban-rural structure.Developments of political culture can offer certain public values security and social value innovation to provide a driving force for the masses support and psychological support.The study of Chinese political culture is divided into five chapters.Chapter I,the concept of contemporary Chinese political culture and defined.The second chapter,the historical starting point of the contemporary Chinese political culture and formation stages.The third chapter,continued development of contemporary Chinese political culture and promotion stage.The fourth chapter,enrichment and extension of contemporary Chinese political culture.The fifth chapter,in-depth reform of contemporary Chinese political culture and refinement stage.In today’s information age,virtual networks become more powerful,not only leading the network technology revolution,but also inserting western decadent values of the developed capitalist countries.This requires that the ruling Communist Party to arm a purifying network environment with ideological weapon and help the masses to actively resist Western political consciousness the same as value of the infection.Under the network ecosystem it has been simplified to“human rights and network".This shortens the distance and accelerates assimilation of mass psychology.The Communist Party of China should strengthen national ideology while more accurately grasping the value of the masses to analyze political and psychological trends to effectively deter Western consciousness and values of inputs.Governance and modern management system also needs innovation of political culture for the Communist Party of China ruling value.It provides with more social benefits of intellectual support,motivation and direction of public opinion so that it can help maintain the stability and unity of the political order besides democratic environment.Especially it can promote the unity of Chinese national characteristics shared with the world.Contemporary Chinese political culture is made from traditional Chinese political culture,the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party’s revolutionary political unity of socialist political culture and advanced culture.China’s political culture is the process of institutionalization and socialization.It is also a dynamic and open common progress of world processes.Socialist political culture with Chinese characteristics is the core of the superiority of democracy and its institutions on main manifestation is focused on the people’s political value orientation as well as relatively stable inclination.The inheritance and development of Chinese traditional political culture is a reflection of cultural confidence and half-light force.So it should enhance adaptation and innovation of the world market integration.Social transformation includes the political and cultural identity and permeability crisis.In addition,it comprises distribute and implement crisis,participation and legitimacy crisis,conformity and innovation of crisis.To remove them,It requires innovation of political culture.China is to the road of law,but it should avoid negative effects of political culture just like the effect of inert,accumulation,chilling,paranoid,bureaucratic,faults and so on.So the role party should promote socialist consciousness and the red gene to govern official values as well as values and psychological unity of the masses.
Keywords/Search Tags:political culture, Value idea, value orientation, Cultural guide
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