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Accounting Research Of R&D Expenditure Into GDP Under The SNA2008 Framework

Posted on:2017-10-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K X WangFull Text:PDF
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As profound changes are happening in Chinese economy,the growth of economic is becoming more innovation-driven,and the government starts to pay more attention to innovation,upgrading and transformation,and more and more starting-up companies.With the revisions of the international standards,SNA 2008 was passed at the 40 th Conference of the United Nations Statistical Committee.In China,the national economic account is based on economic system change,the need of the macro-management and the revisions of the international economic standards.The goal of this thesis is: based on these changes,research on the R&D account into GDP,and make it more fit for the new account system,new situation and new need,and more comparable to international results in the field of account principals,methods,index and data.My research was focused on the following 4 aspects: 1,based on basic data,I analyze thoroughly the data from the department of R&D expenses for the first time,and sort out statistical data from the National Statistic Bureau,the Ministry of Science and Technology,the Ministry of Education and other related departments.In addition,I analyze simultaneously date from all 31 provinces nation wide,which will be a foundation of research in the future.2,the selection of basic parameters.In addition,I integrated solutions from the American National Statistic Department and development of current research from the Chinese National Statistic Bureau,and decide the appropriate depreciation rate for China with consideration of the foundation of the R&D statistic work.As to the price index,I analyze the solutions from the Statistic Bureau of the EU and the Statistic Analysis Bureau of the Department of Commerce of the U.S.A.,integrated the actual situation in the R&D account experiment in Shenzhen,and propose the R&D cost price index,explain the unsteady situation of the worker's expenses in the index,revise the workers' expenses index,and use the revised index to compare with the result using the traditional price index.3,the design of the basis solutions: the main solutions inthe process of R&D capitalization include method.Among them,the sustainable archiving method,the modified perpetual archiving,matrix design method is mainly used for capital stock estimates;non-parametric method is mainly used to compare a variety of test methods;production function method is mainly used to analyze the influence of R&D on economic development.Some American economists proposed Zvi Griliches,the American Department of Commerce proposed the BEA Solution,while there are also traditional Goldsmith Mode,EU mode,etc.there is the traditional capital accounting Goldsmith mode,the mode the European Union and other countries.Under different economic philosophy,a variety of measurement methods both have their own characteristics,but also a common feature.In the Goldsmith method,R&D capital stock consists of the current R&D investment adjusted by the price index and the last R&D capital stock after deducting depreciation,and the current R&D investment adjusted by the price index is converted into the current R&D capital stock;In the Griliches method,R&D capital stock consists of the last R&D investment adjusted by the price index and the last R&D capital stock after deducting depreciation,and the last R&D investment adjusted by the price index is converted into the current R&D capital stock;In the BEA method,R&D capital stock consists of the current R&D investment adjusted by the price index and the last R&D capital stock after deducting depreciation,and half of the current R&D investment adjusted by the price index has depreciation.The results of the research work indicate: 1)R&D Capitalization in China has been increasing drastically ever since 1995.From 1995 to 2013,the national R&D expenses has increased from RMB34.869 billion to RMB1.184,66 trillion,and the annual increase rate was 21.64%.2)Through comparisons of the methods,BEA has a better result.In the aspect of measurement,in general,the data is the biggest when using the Goldsmith method and smallest with the Griliches.Combined measurements shows close result to that of the BEA method,and bigger gap between the other two measurements which also increases over time.3),The size of the national GDP expands significantly after the R&D is capitalized.4)The investment increases more than the consumption after the R&D is caplitalized.5)According tothe analysis of production function method,the conclusion is the R&D capital contribution to the economy has been increasing steadily in the past ten years;in addition,no matter what adjustments the external economic environment is facing,R&D always impact the economy steadily.
Keywords/Search Tags:R&D Capitalization, Accounting R&D into GDP, Capital Stock
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