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A Study On Firm Heterogeneity And The Measures Of China’s Export Value Chain Upgrading

Posted on:2018-07-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330515496216Subject:Economics, world economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the rapid change of global economic and political situation,worldwide trade competition and value chain division have shown some new growing trends.Main economic entities had turned their strategic focus to the setting of the global economy and trade rules and the role definition in the global economic governance after the financial crisis.In recent years,global trade war and the competition for the regional integration between developed countries as well as between emerging economies and developed countries have become particularly intense.The competition is more serious after Brexit and president Trump coming into power,as Trump’s policies had made some politicians and scholars query the de-globalization and the de-marketization.The development of the international trade and the vertical speciation of production have been facing unprecedented challenges.As a typical example of emerging markets,China is the largest trading nation and the second large economy after around 30 years’ development.While the global economic and political situation were changing rapidly,china constantly adjusted its coping strategies and took more responsibilities and actively build a new global economic order which is mutually beneficial,win-win,multiple equilibrium,safe and efficient.The putting forward of the Belt and Road strategy was China’s best practices to take into consideration the interconnectedness and mutual influence of domestic and international economic development and to promote the global industrial chain upgrading and regional economic integration.This dissertation empirically examined the interrelation between firm hetero geneity and China’s export firms’ embedding in global value chain under the th eoretical framework of new new trade theory and based on our country’s the Belt and Road strategy.We also discussed the way to upgrade china’s export value chain,which was of great importance to our theoretical research and pra ctice.In the past three decades,though China’s trade scale had achieved amazi ng growth,the processing trade had occupied half of the country’s total trade,which made China get less benefit from international trade and the division of the global value chain.This dissertation investigated the actual economic effect of China’s participation in international trade from the perspective of value cr eation,which was of great importance to the scientific and rational evaluation of China’s actual gains from international trade and its position in the global v alue chain division,as well as to effectively fill the theoretical deficiencies of the Belt and Road strategy.Besides,the discussion of measures to upgrade Chi na’s export value chain under the Belt and Road strategy was helpful to optim ize the export behavior of China’s export enterprises.This dissertation follows the basic idea of ’theoretical research-current si tuation analysis-empirical test-countermeasures and suggestions’.It is divide d into six chapters,and the first chapter contains the research background,rese arch meaning,the related concepts,literature review,research technique and pr obable breakthrough points and shortcomings.The second chapter summarized t he basic theories of this paper,which included the review of international trad e theories and the basic theories of value chain and the Belt and Road strateg y.The third chapter was the development status analysis of China and countrie s related with the Belt and Road strategy.This chapter mainly focused on trad e scale,trade competition and trade complementarity.The fourth chapter was t he development of export global value chain,including the development of val ue chain structure of China and the countries related the Belt and Road,the n ew trends of global value chain,micro mesure of value chain of China’s expo rt firms ti the countries related the Belt and Road,and the main problems of China’s trade development under the background of the Belt and Road strategy.The fifth chapter was empirical test between firm heterogeneity and global val ue chain embedding.It mainly contained the selection of firm teterogeneity ind ex and its instructions,the building of the empirical analysis framework and th e analysis results and robustness analysis and extension analysis.The sixth cha pter studied the path and Countermeasures of China’s export value chain upgra ding.Based on the current situation analysis and empirical test,this paper studie d and summered the path and Countermeasures of China’s export value chain upgrading under the background of the Belt and Road strategy.On the whole,the internal path of China’s export value chain upgrading mainly reflected in f our aspects:the first is to promote the economic growth from factor driven to innovation driven under the new normal situation;the second is to use the In ternet to achieve the deep integration of manufacture and Internet technology;t he third is to promote the optimization and upgrading of domestic production c apacity through the ’Supply side reform’;the fourth is to take the "China man ufacturing 2025" as the starting point to promote the development of the indus try.The external path of China’s export value chain upgrading is mainly reflect ed in:first,taking foreign direct investment as the carrier to promote the indus trial cooperation between China and related areas;second,relying on trade dev elopment and exploring the market potential of related areas;third,using finan cial support as an opportunity to enhance the services efficiency of the financi al development to the capacity cooperation;fourth,optimizing the external envi ronment of China’s export value chain improvement by global governance.At t he end of the article,we summarized the policy recommendations for China’s export value chain from the aspects of currency,finance,industry,opening poli cy,international capacity cooperation,market exploring,transforming of the go vernment’s functions,enterprise risk prevention,global economic governance an d talent development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Firm Heterogeneity, Export Value Chain, Trade Development, the Belt and Road
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