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Finding Clues to Machiavelli's Political Philosophy: Discord, Rationality, and the 'One Man'

Posted on:2018-08-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Claremont Graduate UniversityCandidate:Kang, Jean OckFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390002995327Subject:Political science
The purpose of this work is to explore Machiavelli's political philosophy through the lens of discord. Machiavelli praises discord, which has inspired scholars both to relate the notion of humors to the discussion of political freedom, but also to find the origin of the modern Republicanism in his political philosophy. By focusing on humors as an irrational or psychological cause, however, existing studies have often overlooked rational causes (such as reason or knowledge of political freedom) of conflicts between the nobles and the people. Attempting to overcome the limitation of the existing studies, I pay an attention to the role of the idea or knowledge of freedom to affect the onset of discord and its intensity. I argue that rational causes are more crucial than psychological causes to interpret Machiavelli's understanding of discord. By emphasizing rational causes, I also distinguish features of Machiavelli's rationality from ancient reason. In his understanding of rationality, modern aspects are: it is constituted by the political relation, it is developed without self-reflection, and it is changeable. Furthermore, exploring the rational characters in discord, I claim that neither the nobles nor the people are rational, but instead the "one man" is the only rational character who determines the outbreak of discord, its intensity and its resolution. Presenting the rational character as the "one man," I argue that the "one man" manages discord, ?even controls it?, through his three characteristics, which are tyrannical, prudent and deceitful. Lastly, examining the relationship between discord and regime, I assert that Machiavelli attends to the role of discord in relation to the creation of a regime, its decline and its extinction. I also contend that Machiavelli's preference for republican regimes and his ideal republican regime are reflected by his admiration for the Roman Republic, which was tumultuous, capable of being rejuvenated, and had the "one man.";Exploring Machiavelli's understanding of discord, I conclude that Machiavelli is a middleman who links ancient political philosophy to modern political philosophy, whereas his modern aspects are notable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political philosophy, Discord, Machiavelli's, Man, Rational, Modern
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