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Differentiated instruction within a response to intervention framework, a mixed-methods study

Posted on:2011-03-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Boen, LaurieFull Text:PDF
This case study is a mixed-methods story of one school's journey into differentiation within the implementation of an RTI framework. The theoretical framework focuses on differentiation as a philosophy based on the premise that teachers should adapt instruction to student differences. These adaptations are present with instruction modified to meet students' varied readiness levels, learning profiles, and interests (Bruner, 1961; Gardner, 1983; Jensen, 1998). The quantitative portion of this study included a survey given to all of the faculty at the school and found that teachers agree with the principles of differentiation, especially modification of the pace of learning, learner and knowledge centered classroom. The qualitative portion of this study included observations and interviews of two teachers in second, third, and fourth grades along with an interview of the principal of the school. The results from the qualitative portion uncovered were that teachers differentiate for readiness most frequently. Both the teachers and the principals felt like more professional development in both RTI and differentiation would help them to better meet the needs of their students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Framework, Differentiation, Instruction
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