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Physical and leisure activity, social support, self-esteem and depression among community-based older adults in Taiwan

Posted on:2011-05-24Degree:D.S.MType:Dissertation
University:United States Sports AcademyCandidate:Hsu, Chan ChunFull Text:PDF
This study was conducted to analyze physical and leisure activity, social support, self-esteem, and depression among community-based older adults in Taiwan. A survey was conducted; the subjects chosen to participate were older adults residing in Nantou County in Taiwan. Convenience sampling was used for this study; N=555 valid questionnaire responses were received.;This study used the SPSS for Windows 16.0 statistical software to conduct data analyses. The collected data was analyzed using a descriptive analysis, a correlation analysis, a One-Way MANOVA, a Multiple Regression Analysis, and the Mediated Model. The findings contained that participants had various demographic characteristics. The results indicated significant differences in demographic characteristics in relation to physical and leisure activity, family and community support, self-esteem, and depression.;The results indicated that higher physical activity had no significant negative effect on the severity of depression in elderly people. Higher leisure activity had no significant negative impact on the severity of depression in elderly people. Higher family support had a significant negative impact on the severity of depression in elderly people. Higher community support had a significant negative impact on the severity of depression in elderly people. Higher self-esteem had a significant negative effect on the severity of depression in elderly people.;The results indicated that higher physical activity had a significant positive effect on self-esteem in elderly people. Higher leisure activity had a significant positive impact on self-esteem in elderly people. Higher family support had a significant positive impact on self-esteem in elderly people. Higher community support had a significant positive impact on self-esteem in elderly people. Higher depression had a significant negative effect on self-esteem in elderly people.;The findings also found 23.2% (n=129) of severe depression among older adults in Nantou County in Taiwan. Female participants had 16.7% (n=44) of severe depression, but male participants had 29.1% (n=85) of severe depression. The group containing participants aged from 65 to 75 had 14.0% (n=31) of severe depression, while participants aged from 71 to 75 had 31.1% (n=65) of severe depression. These findings may provide the Taiwanese government, social institutions, and academic research units information that can be utilized to explore how to address these situations.;Key Words: Physical activity, Leisure activity, Family support, Community support, Self-Esteem, Depression, Elderly, Severe depression.
Keywords/Search Tags:Depression, Leisure activity, Self-esteem, Support, Physical, Older adults, Community, Elderly
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