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The relationship of teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in algebra, and changes in both types of knowledge as a result of professional development

Posted on:2008-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Auburn UniversityCandidate:Black, Delilah Joy WilloughbyFull Text:PDF
In seeking to improve the mathematics education of all students, it is important to understand the connection between the content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers, and how professional can provide growth in both of these types of knowledge. We do not have an answer about the interplay of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in successful instructional practices in the mathematics classroom. For a period of a year and a half surveys were administered to a number of secondary mathematics teachers and surveys, observations, and interviews focused on four secondary mathematics teachers. All of the teachers taught mathematics and particularly the four teachers all taught Algebra I at their respective schools. Assessment of the teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and changes of instructional practices also included interviews with professional development presenters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Content knowledge, Mathematics, Professional development, Teachers, Education, Instructional practices
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