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Through the looking glass: Grammatical skills as a critical component to successful reading comprehension

Posted on:2008-09-21Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:St. John's University (New York)Candidate:Macaluso, RosalindaFull Text:PDF
This study set out to investigate the structural components of reading comprehension in mature readers in an attempt to uncover the exact elements that make individuals more proficient at reading in later grades and into adulthood. More specifically, it shall focus on determining whether knowledge of grammatical structure in text is an important component to proficient reading in mature readers as well as determining the degree of its contribution. In short, the direction of this study is to find out what skilled readers are doing right instead of finding out what dyslexic readers are doing wrong. It is believed that knowledge of grammatical structure will be more influential than semantic meaning in proficient reading comprehension. Results suggest that knowledge of grammar structure significantly predicts subjects' performance on reading comprehension task above and beyond knowledge of vocabulary. The study further suggests that the ability of readers to show grammatical knowledge in the absence of vocabulary knowledge predicts reading comprehension better than even having both elements available. Clinicians and commonly used test batteries may be assessing areas of reading that are only one or two components necessary for proficient reading and neglecting critical components in later reading (i.e., grammar skills). The results provide evidence that more evaluation procedures focused on grammar ability need to be made available for assessing reading ability, especially in older students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reading, Grammatical, Readers
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