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The antecedents of successful exclusive sales channels

Posted on:2012-04-05Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Shavit, MosheFull Text:PDF
GTID:1456390011457187Subject:Business Administration
Business alliance activity has a major role in importance, volume, and interest; however, most alliances fail to generate positive outcomes. Whereas exclusivity could improve alliance relationships and performance, researchers have expressed mixed opinions about the benefit of using exclusivity. The intent of the current exploratory qualitative case study was to determine the characteristics of successful exclusive alliances. The semi-structured interviews focused on the reasons for alliance exclusivity, the exclusivity evolution, and the involvement of leadership. The sample included 15 alliance managers from small international technology companies. The study strengthened existing knowledge about the role of commitment and trust. The new findings revealed a pattern beginning with informal exclusivity for a test period, and later continuing with a restructure of the relationships. The conclusions included several operational models that may help in selecting the proper exclusivity strategy. Senior managers should be involved professionally and personally in exclusive alliance activity to assure its success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alliance, Exclusive, Exclusivity
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