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The US-South Korea Alliance From The Perspective Of Alliance Management

Posted on:2019-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The U.S.-ROK military alliance is a product of the Korean War,which builds on the basis of response to DPRK’s threat and the communism.The alliance is a typical asymmetrical alliance,and the United States in which plays a decisive dominance.For several decades’years,the alliance is led by the U.S.,while the ROK obeying the American decision.In the end of the 20th century,along with ROK’s rapid economic growth,and the South Korean domestic democratization process accelerating.There were some contradictions and difference appearance in the U.S.-ROK alliance—the“anti-America”voice began to appear,the effort of status of“middle power”,the attempt to reduce the reliance on the America.In order to manage the alliance better,the United States began to adjust the way to manage the U.S.-ROK alliance.The traditional methods including signing military contracts,deploying military equipment and army,economic assistance are still there.Meanwhile,the United States also added new method—adjusting the American policy on DPRK.Once the U.S.has used different policies to stimulate the DPRK to make different responses,the DPRK will react in different ways.DPRK’s behavior will drive the ROK’s behavior patterns.ROK’s dependence on the U.S.was reinforced,which will lead ROK take actions to consolidate the alliance and obey the management of the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:alliance management, the U.S.-ROK alliance, alliance dilemma, North Korean unclear issue
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