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The impact of rater goals on job analysis ratings

Posted on:2006-06-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Cronin, Brian EFull Text:PDF
The job analysis process has been widely researched. Through this research, many of the processes and focuses of job analysis have been largely refined. Yet, there has been relatively little emphasis in the job analysis literature on the intentions and goals of the job analysis rater. The current research examined the impact of SME goals on job analysis ratings. Results of this study suggest that rater endorsement of Impression Management Goals and Social Desirability Goals leads to inaccuracy in job analysis ratings. Specifically, raters who endorse Impression Management goals inflate job analysis ratings related to their own job while raters who endorse Social Desirability goals inflate ratings related to the job of their peers. The findings are noteworthy because they indicate that job analysis ratings are subject to distortion as a result of rater goals and therefore, are not always objective and accurate. Implications and future research related to this study are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job analysis, Rater goals, Management, Raters who endorse, Social desirability goals
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