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Developing a Culture of Collaboration: A Departmental Exploration of Science Literacy at Sunset School

Posted on:2013-10-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Miller, Tamara JillFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008972333Subject:Science Education
This paper presents the results of a study that examined the effects of using an action research process to explore science teachers' views on science literacy as well as improve collaboration among department members. Data were collected by documenting the action research process and interviewing teachers at a suburban K-12 school in Southern California. Findings suggest that teachers' views of science literacy vary more by context than by individual, and that collaboration seems to be useful in expanding teachers' beliefs about science literacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Science literacy, Collaboration, Action research process, Teachers
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