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Individual differences in verbal working memory, visuo-spatial working memory, and metacognition: Learning from text in a hypertext environment

Posted on:2003-04-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Tech UniversityCandidate:Chavez, Nelda MelissaFull Text:PDF
In recent years, educational institutions have increased reliance upon computer-based methods of instruction in which students learn by accessing a computer-based information system (Baird & Percival, 1999). The information system has been referred to as hypertext or hypermedia. The hypertext system consists of nodes. Nodes are units of information presented in text, video, audio, or pictorial formats. Links tie together the nodes, and links are used to move from one node to another (Gall & Hannafin, 1994). Prior literature suggests that the computer presentation used for hypertext may change the cognitive demands placed on the learner, because hypertext learners use links and menus to guide learning from nodes of information (Conklin, 1987; Duchastel, 1990). The main purpose of the present study is to investigate how individual differences in verbal working memory, visuo-spatial working memory and metacognitive ability could be used to predict performance in hypertext and linear text conditions.; The current study is designed to extend and replicate the metacognition findings of Stimson (1998), using material likely to be encountered on the World Wide Web. There are two sets of hypotheses encompassing the following areas (1) predictions of performance for hypertext and linear text using individual differences; and (2) differences between hypertext and linear text learning for metacognitive accuracy and bias (metacognitive ability). Findings showed that visuo-spatial span predicted comprehension in both linear and hypertext conditions. In contrast, verbal working memory and metacognitive ability did not predict comprehension. Differences between hypertext and linear text learning for both metacognitive accuracy and bias were marginally significant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hypertext, Verbal working memory, Metacognitive, Individual, Visuo-spatial
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