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Globalization, neoliberalism, and popular resistance: The case of Latin America

Posted on:2003-12-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Abreu Hernandez, Viviana MariaFull Text:PDF
This dissertation explores the interconnections that exist between international financial institutions, the state's implementation of economic policies, and the development of resistance movements in Latin America. The first part of this research looks at the three main models of economic growth implemented in Latin American countries since the conquest (colonization, implementation of liberal economy, and import substitution strategy) and pays particular attention to the imposition of neoliberal policies by international financial institutions in Latin America. This part particularly looks at how states have implemented neoliberal policies, and examines the development of resistance movements against those policies. The second part of this research focuses on the implementation of economic models in Mexico and the development of resistance movements in this country. This research shows that throughout history in Latin America as a whole and in Mexico as a case study, the development of resistance movements in Latin America since the conquest, has been intrinsically related to the implementation of capitalist models of economic growth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Latin america, Implementation, Economic, Resistance, Policies, Development
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