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Performance funding of higher education: A critical analysis of performance funding in the State of Colorado

Posted on:2000-09-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at DenverCandidate:Bridges, Gary LaneFull Text:PDF
On June 5, 1996, the governor of Colorado, Roy Romer, signed into law House Bill (HB) 96-1219, the "Higher Education Quality Assurance Act". House Bill 94-1110 preceded the 1996 legislation and linked a portion of the state's higher education funding to institutions' performance during the fiscal years 1994--95 to 1996--97.;The purpose of my dissertation is to answer the question, "Did performance funding have an effect on the desired performance indicators of higher education in the state of Colorado?" I analyzed institutions' performance data and compared the amount of performance funding provided by the Colorado's legislature to that provided by other states. Other states' performance funding policies and other researchers' performance funding studies helped to provide benchmarks by which to evaluate the efficacy of Colorado's policy.;My research indicated that (1) Colorado's performance funding policy had no effect on the state's higher education performance measures, (2) the state provided less performance funding as a percentage of higher education funding than other states, and (3) CCHE allocated the performance funding based more on enrollment than on performance indicators.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance funding, Higher education, State
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