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Teacher training in a contextual mathematics intervention and teachers' stages of concern

Posted on:1999-08-25Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington College (Delaware)Candidate:McNeill, Patricia AnnFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390014969489Subject:Elementary education
Many states are holding students accountable for higher performance therefore, educators need staff development that will assist them to help students meet their academic challenges (The National Staff Development Council, 1995). When staff development for classroom innovations is being planned, the concerns of teachers about innovational strategies should be taken into consideration.;Lewin's revised action research model (1981) was utilized in this study which was designed to examine the relationship between a staff development program for mathematics teachers and their stages of concern regarding implementation of new mathematics teaching strategies. In this study, the staff development program provided training in Professor Barrett's Contextual Mathematics Teaching Methodology (Intervention) to assist teachers in the implementation of the new mathematics strategy in their classrooms.;A pre-experimental static-group comparison design, as described by Campbell and Stanley (1963), was used to examine the concerns of teachers as measured by the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (Hord, Rutherford, Austin-Huling, & Hall, 1987).;A total of fifty teachers participated in this study, twenty-five teachers who received training in the Intervention (Group-B) and twenty-five who did not receive training in the Intervention (Group-A). After the conclusion of the training of Group-B teachers, both groups were administered the SoCQ.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teachers, Training, Staff development, Mathematics, Stages
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