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Entry mode, technological innovation and firm survival in the worldwide optical disk drive industry, 1983--1999

Posted on:2004-12-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Khessina, Olga MikhaylovnaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011473503Subject:Business Administration
Previous research has established that firms entering an industry de novo (start-up) and those entering de alio (diversification away from another industry) differ in their organizational outcomes of performance and survival. However, the mechanisms through which entry conditions translate into these outcome variations are not well understood. In this dissertation, I explore two possible inter-related mechanisms through which entry mode may affect organizational outcomes: firms' innovative behavior and their product dynamics. I propose that differences in resource endowment and previous experience between de novo and de alio firms at the time entry have long-lasting imprinting effects on their propensity to innovate, as well as their ability to innovate successfully . In addition, differences in entry conditions between de novo and de alio firms and resulting dissimilar innovative behavior lead to differences in their product dynamics . Differences in both innovative behavior and in product dynamics influence organizational outcomes including survival. I develop these arguments in four steps. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Survival, Industry, Entry, Organizational outcomes, De alio, De novo, Product dynamics
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