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A detailed mechanistic study of the chromium(VI) oxidation of L-cysteine: Effects ofpH, iodide and manganese(II) ions

Posted on:1991-12-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Baylor UniversityCandidate:Kwong, Daniel Wei JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:1471390017951140Subject:Inorganic Chemistry
he effects of temperature, pH, iodide and Mn(II) ions on the stoichiometry, kinetics, and mechanisms of the Cr(VI)/L-cysteine reaction have been studied. At pH = 7.02 ;At an (I;Evidence for the induced oxidation of Mn(II) by the proposed Cr(IV) intermediate was sought in the redox reaction; however, Mn(II) was found rather to catalyze the Cr(VI)/L-cysteine reaction with only a minor effect on the overall stoichiometry. The rate law is of the form-dln (Cr(VI)) /dt = k;In the pH range of 5.57 to 6.35, the Cr(VI)/L-cysteine reaction is biphasic. The fast process rate law is...
Keywords/Search Tags:/l-cysteine reaction
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