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Play ownership and the struggle for creative control in theatrical productions

Posted on:1992-11-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Tech UniversityCandidate:Stafford, Richard DobsonFull Text:PDF
This dissertation explores the problem of ownership of theatrical productions and the struggle for creative control by playwrights, directors, critics, boards of directors and actors. The study includes interviews with Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, Elizabeth LeCompte, Ann Bogart, Theodore Chapin, A. J. Antoon, Frank Rick and Adrian Hall. The information centers around conflicts in new play development, classic, and contemporary productions. Possible solutions to the problem of play ownership conflicts include the development of a New Play Contract between playwrights and directors, more open communications between those involved with play production and a system that might be developed by publishers which could provide directors more information about interpretation limits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Play, Ownership, Directors
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