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The mission of higher education in Cameroon: A case study of Yaounde University from 1962 to 197

Posted on:1990-01-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Ade-Mobufor, Michael IvoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017953902Subject:Higher Education
The prime obligation of every university is to develop its mission in a manner that will reflect expected solutions to genuine problems of the society in which it operates. The question the institution must answer is that of its relevance to the aspirations of its community as portrayed by its programs.;Under this assumption this study investigates the mission assigned to higher education in Cameroon by its architects, and the extent to which the University has executed it.;In examining the problem this study utilizes content analysis, to identify missions of Third World Universities from research conducted between 1962 and 1980. The ten documented missions are rated and ranked to determine the levels of their legitimacy and priority. Finally, they are used as indicators in analyzing the contents of pieces of legislation creating Cameroonian institutions of higher learning. The exercise is directed specifically toward revealing the expectations of Yaounde University.;Findings indicate that the University is conceived as an instrument for national, social, cultural and political development. In addition, it is required to play a leadership role in formulating policies, national integration, research, producing high-level manpower, improving other levels of education and generating adequate quality knowledge. Absent in the laws are operational definitions of the assigned functions.;To determine the University's level of performance, the study scrutinizes its human, material, fiscal, admissions, graduation, research, national integration, cultural, social, policy formulation, economic, educational and political records as well as the institution's administration and its relationship with the government.;Results show that the University is discharging its duties at various levels. However, observed inadequacies in performance necessitated suggestions for: (a) a review of undefined roles of Yaounde University; (b) a follow-up study to evaluate the University's research techniques; (c) modifications in student testing procedures; (d) involvement of national integration in a broad range of factors; and (e) creation of an Institute of Continuing Education to deal with illiteracy.;These recommendations demonstrate the need for further investigations that would enhance the performance of Yaounde University.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Education, Mission, Higher
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