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International students' perceptions of campus employment and connections to cultural adjustment

Posted on:2016-06-19Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Edgewood CollegeCandidate:Hayes, MarkFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017984804Subject:Higher education administration
This study explored international student perceptions of campus employment and the connection to their cultural adjustment experiences. The researcher interviewed six participants during the fall of 2014 at a mid-sized state university. The study identified cultural adjustment challenges that participants faced when they arrived on campus and during their employment experiences. The researcher found that transportation and housing were the primary challenges when first arriving on campus. The researcher also found that all six participants needed employment income to supplement their primary funding sources. The findings of the study also supported earlier research that show low utilization of student support services, such as health services and counseling services. The study added to research on student engagement and campus employment as an educationally purposeful activity. The researcher recommended culturally sensitive campus orientation programs and culturally specific staff training for departments that employ international students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus, Cultural adjustment, International, Student, Experiences the researcher
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