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A decade of change: Motivating and discouraging factors affecting faculty participation in onine business education courses

Posted on:2015-12-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Mercer UniversityCandidate:Hurt, Ransom ToddFull Text:PDF
The number of college students enrolled in online courses increased more than 22 percent between 2002 and 2011. Despite this rapid rise in online course enrollment, only a two-percent gain in faculty acceptance of online learning occurred during this same time period. The majority of teaching faculty remain resistant to online instruction with less than one-third of faculty members viewing online education favorably and only one out of every four professors teaching online. For institutions of higher education to be effective in the area of online learning, leaders need to understand and mitigate the factors limiting faculty involvement in the delivery of online classes.;The purpose of this study was to determine what factors do and would motivate business faculty members to move from a position of non-participation to active participation in online instruction. Open-ended and Likert type questions were used for National Business Education Association (NBEA) members to self-assess motivators, barriers, inhibitors, and supports to teaching online. This study is a replication of the seminal work done by Artman (2003) to determine what changes (if any) in faculty motivation to teach online has occurred over the last decade. The rate of online instruction participation increased from 57.2% (Artman, 2003) to 92.1% in 2013 with NBEA members responding to this survey. Due to a low response rate (8%) and unexpectedly low number of non-participants of online education (n=10) inferential statistics could not be used to evaluate the relationships between these groups. However, it appears that the rank order of many of the motivating factors has changed little over the last decade with six of the top ten factors being mostly intrinsic in nature and the support/encouragement of the Dean or Chair remains a top institutional support. This study found that the greatest percentage of NBEA members that responded work for community colleges and/or 4-year public universities with graduate programs. Future studies may want to select one of these institution types and do a comparative study across disciplines within an institutional type.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online, Faculty, Factors, Education, Decade, Participation, Business
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