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Implementing Enterprise Content Management systems with cross-functional teams: A grounded theory study

Posted on:2016-03-09Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Boedder, MaxFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017976170Subject:Information Technology
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems are a class of information systems that manage digital content and enable work and collaboration from a distance. The study of ECM is a relative new discipline with limited published research available in the field. A review of literature showed that the topic of ECM implementation has received little attention. The goal of the qualitative study was to reveal the processes of successful ECM implementations with cross-functional teams. The method was grounded theory and the instrument for data collection was telephone interviews with semi-structured interview questions. The population consisted of stakeholders of or contributors to ECM implementation projects. The type of firms was midsized or large companies with multiple locations and headquarters in the United States. The sample size was 15 participants. A combination of leveraging professional networks and referrals identified study participants. The data analysis took place via the three stages of coding open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The study revealed a set of processes with five categories and 17 subcategories with broad overlap across different ECM system implementations in different organizations in different industries. A theoretical model emerged that includes an eco-system of participative leadership with a high degree of communication enabling a virtuous cycle of activities: creation of a shared vision, followed by concurrent execution of standard project management best practices and a change management effort, followed by incremental delivery. The study's findings may help ECM practitioners answer questions about how to implement ECM systems with cross-functional teams successfully.
Keywords/Search Tags:ECM, Systems, Cross-functional teams, Management, Content
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