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System Induce Resistance To Diseases Of Melon By Herbicides

Posted on:2001-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T SongFull Text:PDF
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Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) had been studied in many plant species. Some reports shown that herbicides have great potentialities to induce plant resistance. The aim of our research were development the potentialities of herbicides to induce plant resistance and a new way to control the plant diseases. We had studied that the control effect of melon leaf diseases and its mechanism after herbicides and plant inducer BTH treatment. The results shown:1.Trifluralin, Nitralin, Dmmtramine and Benzothiadiazole BTH were applied by foliar spray in protected fields. The occurrence of the diseases were reduced and postponed for 1-2 week. This was a good way to control melon leaf diseases. Trifluralin had a better effect of controlling powdery mildew and bacterial angular leaf spot. The effectiveness of control (disease reduction in percentage) was 60% in powdery mildew and the same as BTH and Nitralin. The effectiveness of control was 72.19% in bacterial angular leaf spot and it was more than BTH and Nitralin. Also the concentration of Trifluralin was lower than BTH. Diniiramine had the lowest effectiveness of control. So Trifluralin, Nitralin and BTH had great application potentialities and worth to research.2.The mechanisms of systemic induced resistance on melon by Trifluralin, Nitralin, Dinitramine and BTH treatment were studied. The results obtained by measuring the activity of chitinase . -1 .3-glucanase and Phenylalannie ammonia lysase(PAL) in melon tissues showed that there was intrinsic activity of chitinase, ~ -1 ,3-glucanase and PAL in leaves of muskmelon. Activity of all enzymes was enhanced by Trifluralin, Nitralin, Dinitramine and BTH treatment. The activity of enzymes was strong at 30 days after treatment, and it was different from eyery treatment. The activity was the highest at different days after every treatment. The activity of chitinase was the highest after BTH treatment. The activity of both PAL and ~ -l,3-glucanasewas the highest afier Trilluralin treatment. The activity of all enzymes was lowest afier Dinitramine treatment. These shown that chitinase was 憊ery important in induced resistance of melon by BTH and P - I .3-glucanase and PAL were key factors in induced resistance of melon byTrifluralin and Nitralin.Name:Song, XiaotaoSpecialty:PesticidologyAdvisor:Tao, Bo...
Keywords/Search Tags:Herbicides, Inducer BTH. Melon leaf diseases, Control effect, Mechanism of systemic acquired resistance
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