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The Cross-Cultural Perspective In The English Translation Of Classical Chinese Poetry

Posted on:2003-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360062485328Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the relationshiP between language and culture, translation is frequentlyviewed as a cross-cultUre activity by most translation theorists and translators. The'' English translation of classical Chinese poeny is of course no exception. This'dissertation tries to focus on discussing the cross-cultural perspective in the Englishtranslation of classical Chinese poetry.This dissertation cOntalns five chaPters altogetheL The first chaPtCf is anintroduction, which briefly presents the cultUral nAn of translation and its reflectionin translation praedces, esPecially in the translation of classical Chinese poeny andsUmrnedzes the princiPles and criteria and the sighficance of the dissertation. Thesecond chaPter exPlains why tranSlation is viewed as a cross-cultUre activity and Whatldnd of barriers the edtal tranSlation Inay hav and the4 intrduces the culedaPproach as a solution. The ch chaPter, being the main part of this dissertation,discusses in details about the translatability of CCP and the principle and criteria ofCCP tfarislation, that is, "thness, exPressiveness and closeness". At the samethae, a SPecific be-inone method ''beauty in sound, form and mehangl' isSUggesed tO be used in CCP wtIation. The fOurth chaPter gives a comPahaveWis of the Enghsh tranSlation of CCP throwi case stud and Particularly Puts' fowt some requlrmellts fOr the Chinese bolatOrs in order to help thern tO amerhaProve the tranSlation quality and develop the Chinese literatUr holating career, by introducing more and more gOod Chinse litewt works tO foreign nd. TheIVwfifth chaPter is the conclusion, mainl}' discussing the significance of this dissertationfrom two aspects, theoreticaIly and practicaIly..
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, Culture, Translation, Translatability and Lntral1slatability, Cross-Cultural Perspectix'e, Classical Chinese Poetry' Transla1ion, Princip1es al1d Criteria of Translation
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