Even though translation has reached its new proliferation in China, relativelylittle research has gone to trgnslated litde, eSP. its influence on Chinese littale,because "in China, translatCd litCnde is a desthed child," desPite the fact that itenables the commedcation and ioteredion among litertaes. And respecting theinfluence of translated literthee on Chinese romanic fiction in early 20th centUry aresearch vacancy inevitably arose. Once a comParison bforeen traditionalscholar-beauty' fictions and the romanic fictions in early 20th centUry is drawn, we willfind great differences both in artistic aesthetics and narration tecboques. Therefore, theauthor tries to cledfy the ialluence of translated literatUr uPon Chinese romanicfictions in early 20th centUry through specific case Studies of romamic fictions at thatime and detailed comParisons bCtween them and translatCd litCrny works. MeanWhilepractical researches about relevant social and mental realities are also made, trying toconvey their possible influences on the development of Chinese romanic fictions inearly 20th centUry. Finally the conclusion is made: being the mainspring of thedevelopment of Chinese romantic fictions, translated liteMe did bring about manyidriuences on both the anistic aesthctics and nedion techniques, such as exPloration ofhUman nafore, the sense of sacrificing and remorse, as well as the adoption of firstperson poillt of view and dimpletter pattwt.This thesis is comPosed of three chaPters.The first chaPter is developed in two dimensions. The first part is briefilltroductions of the study on trMslatCd literthee in Chill4 of the author's view at thispoint, and the research method of this thesis, i.e. a chronological study based on.comPansons of scholar-beauty fictions, romantic fictions in eary 20in centUry andtranslated 1iteratUr of that tAne.In the second pat, the author makes a genera presentation about the history ofscholar-beauty fiction as well as its aesthatic featUrs, and also sPecifies that due to itsllz.,,/peripheral position in the hierarchy of Chinese literatUr and ossified narration norms,the scholar-beauty fiction fmally died out.On the other han, discussion is also made to exPlain the political and educationalroles given to the fiCtion in late Qing, Which dramatically rased its position andtherefore made the eXPlosion of romantic fiction in early 20th cemp possible.The second chaPter is orgedzed by three pats, which demonstrate the influence oftranslated literatUre on Chinese romantic fictions.Based on the polysyStem theory of Professor Zohap the first pan discusses howtralls1ated literthee filled the vacutun When a litCrary vacancy arose in Chinese1iteratUr and the accePtance of translated works by Chinese literatUr.The second part is a detalled demonstraion on the aesthctic changes of Chineseromanic fiction. Because of its marginal position in the poetry-oriented Chineseliterthee, scholar-beauy fiCtion gradually fell victim tO rigid narration norms. Howevef,with the influence of translated novels, such as "Caxnellia" and "Joan Haste", Chineseromatic fiction made noticeable changes in both the range of chtalerization and thesense of sacrificing and remorse.From three dimensions, the therd part discusses the changes in naIraton techniquesof Chinese romantic fiction, i.e. extensive psychological eXPosition, skillfu utilizationof narration time and point of view and the adoPton of diny-letter pattem. Admittingthat the above-mentoned tecboques could be found in traditional Chinese fictions,history howevef, bears proof that translated litetue was the actual taltiator of thesetechniques.ChaPer three is the conclusion of the thesis.After discussion about the sighficance of translated literatUr in China, the authorconfirms the mainspring of translated literatUre during the modendzaton of Chineseromantic fiction. |