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Materials Sculpture My Opinion

Posted on:2011-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of science and technology, in people's living standards rising at the same time, a large number of sculptures are full of all sorts of our eyes and affect our lives.However, in various forms, styles of sculpture, we should clearly understand what a high level style of sculpture.Selection of modern sculpture brilliant novel materials, materials easy to find, a typical representative of the language of the era.The future choice of topic emphasis on simple and transparent, reflective and other materials.This futuristic strong, leading the reader into a space-time space, to stimulate the reader to imagine.In addition to choice of materials, aesthetic criteria must be upgraded to enhance the reader not only to standards of beauty, How to satisfy the reader's desire for knowledge, which requires us to accumulate experience in practice more than to start to imagine.Material sculptures in pure form, shape, materials for art language, he did not want to film, television, theater as the audience sufficient time to demonstrate the real space environment, too difficult, we can only, or through some analogy with the invisible meaningthe way the audiences imagination, we might not see the eyes, but through the eyes and let the audience think space exists, the invisible meaning row of pure spiritual activity through the role of the audience generated by his work requirement is to remove allmottle, flashy decorations, refining general approach, a simple smooth shape, deep-jing mysterious sense of space, forget about the details of the trivial, take the initiative to show concern and form of body language, so as to achieve without destroying sculpture, allowing the audience along with sculpture, the emotional ups and downs in light of actual experience, the audience will have a sculpture conclusive evaluation.The factors that matter to understand our main material is a living creation of the carrier material is also a source of inspiration for artists, respect for materials is to respect themselves, I believe in life and materials, so that we can dialogue with the material to reach a consensus, how toto do that then we first have to do is to conduct comprehensive analysis of the material order, so that our team have a better understanding of material and cognitive, in which we can not analyze each material Yiyi, as well as the specific implementation process of creation of material properties that explain the role played for the material world, we all know they have a specific morphology, which is not the spirit of awareness and practice goes onThey will have a change, so all materials classified into four attributes, that is, the material physical properties, chemical properties, physical attributes, functional attributes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sculpture language, aesthetic standards, sculpture theme, creation theory, space modeling
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