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Research On Administrative Reconsideration

Posted on:2002-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032453365Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AbstractAs the kind of re1ief system, which has now been universa11y set upboth inner and outer of the nation, to solve some concerned controversialprob1ems in the adriinistration fie1d by means of simi1ar judicatoryprocedures despite the fact that enormous discrepancies amount as aresu1t of different historica1 backgrounds, po1itica1 systems, culturesand regu1ations of 1aws etc., however, more specific of ours is that inspite of focusing on the ciYil rights and relief functions, thesupervised functions a1so stand out. In this way, it can on one hand assurethe 1egitimate rights of the ci t izens, juridica1 persons, other coopaniesand organizations, while on the other hand upho1d and avoid the affairsof abusing the authorities, otherwise, the whole administrativemanagement, proper civi1 rights wi11 be greatly affected as we11 as theappearance of some administrative degeneration.This thesis which bases on the theory of DENXIA0PIna, demonstratesus some re1ative theories, discrepancies and cormn points of differentnations, administrative prob1ems which lie in our nation and put forwardsomehow effective so1utions in so1ving the kinds of disadvantages bymeans of comparison as we11 as statistics.The who1e passage can be rough1y divided into four parts:Part i: A genera1 introduction of administrative reconsideratiQnwhich ana1yses the characteristics, basic conceptions, c1assificat ionsand functions of it.Part il: CoInParat ive researches of adIninistrative reconsideration,which represent the administrative systems of prominent countries, ofwhich some differences and conunon points are emphasized.Part iii:Problems existing in our nation, which show us the reason1 1causing decreasing cases, irregular accept of administrative reconsideration and the difficulties lie in managing these cases.Part iv Solutions to these problems, which mainly consist of the widespread and well梐wareness of administrative reconsideration and the reinforcement of the organization to assure the smooth work of administrative reconsideration, strengthen the kind of supervisions strictly reassure the responsibilities of laws, make up the defects and flaws and elevated the tactics in solving the difficulties.Flashing points of this thesis is that it tries to find out a new way to analyze the discrepancies of relative conceptions of administrative reconsideration, analyses the common points and differences of various countries , probe into the problems , which lies in our administrative systems and put forward the ways to solve them by means of putting forward statistics.
Keywords/Search Tags:administration, administrative acts, admini strative organizations, reconsideration
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