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Research Of Some Problems Stock Issuance Control System

Posted on:2002-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032453535Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Great achievements have been making Chinese stock market. By the end of late December 2000,1088 companies have been listed on the two exchange markets ______ the markets of Shanghai and Shenzhen and more than 500 billion Yuan have been injected into these companies. However the stock markets were founded during the period when the traditional planning. economy was transforming to the socialist market economy. The stock issuance authorization system is more or lass a market economy. Therefore, it is expected to be reformed fundamentally.This dissertation takes the information disclosure as the core of the stock issuance control system.. The information disclosure system forces the stock publisher to publish the relevant information and data according to the rules of the law, and it helps to enhance the social supervision on the stock publisher and protect the investors. The article gives a comparison between the authorization system and the registration system.Them, the transformation of Chinese stock issuance control system is introduced from three aspects: the supervision system, the admission system and the methods of issuance. The stock markets in china have been developing with the open policy and the modernization construction. Meanwhile they have been undergoing difficulties due to various reasons. The companies on the markets are necessary to be controlled on a large scale and strictly examined Thus the system of examination and approval is adopted in the stock issuance applying . The paper indicates the urgent need of the reform on the stock issuance system. The objective of the reform is to improve the markets of the issuance system and establish the essential position of the market system on supplying capital resources. We should take the measure to perform the system of stock issuance check.8Uæ…–I-iiand approval.Finally, the paper studies the problems in our stock issuance control system and gives some suggestions on how to solve these problems. The following problems are mentioned: The stock issuance is politically influenced and has how efficiency on the market. The agencies of stock markets also work in low efficiency. The conditions of the stock issuance are too rigid to adapt to the need of the economy development. The price of the stock issuance can not help dispose the resources suitably. And the market of stock issuance is highly monopolized. To these problems. The that the markets solve the problems themselves as much as possible and the marketing course is developed to improve the transformation of the stock issuance control system. We should make the stock markets multiple development referring to the experiences of the developed countries and the concrete situations of our country. There levels of development in the stock issuance market can be forms: stock exchange market, pioneering market and counter market. Chinese stock markets should compete with the international stock markets taking advantage of the international stock markets and encouraging domestic financial organizations, attract foreign financial organizations and financial capital to involve in the domestic marketing investments. And be open to admit foreign enterprises to issuing stocks and exchanging on the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stock, Stock issuance, Securities Market, Stock exchange, Stock issuance control system
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