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Probe Into Marxist Property Theory And The Realization Forms Of Communal Property

Posted on:2002-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032950430Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper aims at systematically investigating the formtion and develop-ment of the Marist Property Theory, striving to probe into the realization formsof socialist communal property under the guidance of the Theory. By employingsuch researching methods as the unity of logic and history, induction and de-duction, comparison, analysis and synthesis, the author endeavors tO study thecontent of the Theory objectively, expounds fully and accurately the evolution ofsocialist ownership in China, and reveals the fact that the diversilied realizationforms of communal property in the primary stage of socialism conform to the de-velopment of productivity. The paper contains five sections:Section â… : Marxist Property TheoryIt consists of 7 parts. Part 1 makes textual criticism of Marx's concept ofproperty from Marx in the original in Germany, as well as English and Chineseversions. Pat 2 expounds the general theory of the Theory by Marx and Engels.Parts, sums up Marx's statement of the capitalism Property Theory Based onthe former study resuls, Part 4 sums up Marx's concept of ownership in fufuresociety.Section â…¡: Lenin, Stalin and other scholars of the former USSR andEastern Europe's understanding of the Theory.It includes 4 parts. The first two mainly concerns the development of theTheory by Lenin and Stalin in pratice. Part 3 expounds the cognihon of theTheory by those econdrists from the former USSR and Eastern Europe. AndPart 4 compares Marx's Property Theory with Westem Property Righs Theory,reaching to the conclUsion that we have no choice but to rely on Marx's TheOryto gUide China's practical achvities.Section III: The elaboratio of the devefoPment and gradal progress, inhistorical ouler, of the TheOry in modem China.It can be divided into 6 partS, which describes the evoluhon of the TheOryand its PraCce from the Periods of CPPC's first condng into being tO new -democratic reVOluion, tO China's transition hme, to glanned economy and fi-nally to the primp stage of socialism. Then the aUthor proPOses that the devel-opmen of China's ownership is closely cormected and Proceed in coodriationwith the develoPment of China's productivity.Section lV: The exPlOration of cornmunal property's reallZation form'Under the ghdance of socialist edet -- Oriened econOm, the realizationformS of the ownership is estabished on the PresuPPOsihon Of the POssiliility Of1 lcorIUnun PrOPerty's cornbination with market -- Oriented economy. This sechonfirst exPOUnds Marx's theory H the cornbination Of communal ProPerty andmaret -- Oriented econOrn, comes tO the conclusion that they can be, andshould be coInbined. ms author, furthennOre inqUtries into conununal Proper-ty's realization formS, holding that it shoul, and cap be diversilied'Section V: The conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Realization
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