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Primary Exploration Of Deng Xiaoping Socialist Value Criterion Systems

Posted on:2003-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G B KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360062450401Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
While establishing the theory of socialist value Deng Xiaoping stressed on the practice criterion and then put forward the criterions of productive forces and three-advantaging , which was a sign of the primary form of Deng Xiaoping's socialist criterion systems. Among Deng Xiaoping's socialist value criterion systems, the practice criterion, the productive forces criterion and the people's interest criterion are the main points. They answered the basic questions of socialist value standpoint, and therefore, are the three indispensable fulcrums of Deng Xiaoping's value viewpoint The people's interests criterion, which brings to light the aim of socialist basic value, is the finest value criterion of socialism; the productive forces criterion, which reveals the means of socialist basic value, is the basic one ; the practice criterion, which tells us the basic approach to exploring and achieving socialist value, is the absolute judging criterion of socialist value .Those three criterions are integrated building up the basic framework of Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialist value.In order to understand the essence of Deng Xiaoping's value viewpoint and even his theory and to strengthen the achieved theoretical fruits, and also to liberate people's ideas in practice and stimulate the development of socialist practice and theory, and as well as to practise Jiang Zemin's important ideas of "Three Representatives" and strengthen the party's construction, it is a significant task to master Deng Xiaoping's socialist value criterion systems correctly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Value, Value criterion, Value criterion systems, people's interests criterion, productive forces criterion, practice criterion
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