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Abstract Of Discuss On The Reconstruction Of Civil Inspection And Supervision System

Posted on:2003-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S PanFull Text:PDF
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Civil inspection is a part of prosecution and supervision of People's Prosecutors' Office, its development over the past a decade have brought a lot of controversies. This article, in five sections, conies up with the assumption of the reconstruction of the system by cutting in from the reality of civil inspection. Section one sets forth the problems, it exposes the reality of civil inspection in current society, the conflict of judicial practice and the academia's controversy over civil inspection, and finally makes some comments on the current civil inspection system. Section 2 and 3 clarify some ambiguous understandings by analyzing the theory and viewpoint that calls for the cancellation of civil inspection, and then it expatiates the necessity of the existence e of civil inspection as a part of prosecution and supervision of Prosecutors' Office by comparison and analysis, but also points out that the direction and procedures of inspection and supervision should be made clear in legislation. Section 4 puts forward the idea of reconstructing the current civil inspection and supervision including its principles and contents etc, in allusion to the problems in both theoretical and practical aspects. Section 5 gives a specific illustration to the four types of civil inspection and supervision, i.e. civil prosecutorial protest, civil public prosecution, participation inaction and prosecutorial suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil inspection, reconstruction
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