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An Analysis Of Correctly Understanding And Handling Contradictions Among The People In New Period

Posted on:2003-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092466588Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since our nation entered a new period markd with reform and opening to theworld, contradictions among the people in our nation have greatly changed theirconnotation, aPpearance and feAns. The contradictions among the people in newperiod are more comPlex, involving more sPheres of society than before.Moreovet, they are easier to develop into drastic conflicts, impairing the steadinessof our society and political situaion.The article firstly reviewed Lenin and Mao ZedOng's theories and vieWPointsaboat condadictions among the people. Then, it set forth the correct definition andconnotation of the contradction among the people in new period.The article not only eXPounded the background of era when thecontradictions among the people occurred, bat also elaborated on the new featUresof the contradictions. Furthermore, it also showed us the main reasons Why thenew featWhs have taken place.Finally, the article pul forwar the specific solations to dealing correctly withthe coniradictions among People. In new period, according to the practicalconditions of our nation, the writer believed we should aPply as many methods aspossible, so as to solve the contradictions among the people fimdamentally...
Keywords/Search Tags:new period: Contradictions among the people: interests.
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