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Transformational Crime--A Special Kind Of Criminal Form

Posted on:2004-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Z WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Transfromational offense is a special kind criminal form,which is systematially stipulated in China's Crimial laws. It exists objectinely. Transfromationall offense is defined in this article,on the basis of the other scholars' studies. In my opinion, Transformational offense is Chara cterized that the commilting process of a crimes occurs other more serious Independent offcense and according to law the crimes are judged and punished as the serious offense. Transformational offense hane 6 Characteristics: In my opinion, there are 3 kinds of transformational, that is the transformational, quasi-offense the trans formational offense, the trans for mational absorptive offense. The anther analised the worth of studies transformational offense, which is good to legislation and good to deep and open the crimal theries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transfromational offense, the transformational quasi-offense, the trans formational offense, the trans for mational absorptive offense
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