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Discussing Of Law Establish On Personal Credit System

Posted on:2004-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122485098Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Southeast Asian financial crisis in 1997, Chinese domestic demand is gravely inadequate. To expand domestic demand, the Chinese central government adapt several measures, including consumer credit, which is one of the important contents of personal credit system. Hence, more and more theoretical and practical researches on personal credit system are carrying out. Personal credit combine credit service system, which is open in Shanghai in 2000 specially, contributes to establish of personal credit system. But in fact, the slowly increase of domestic consume and the deficit of Shanghai Credit Ltd., we draw from those that there is a deep gap between current national status and credit countries. But why? The author concludes, except for the fact that the short term after establishing personal credit system, a lack of relative law is a more important reason. There are many papers concerning on the economic aspect of personal credit system, while very few on the law aspect. So the author titled the paper as Discussing of Law Establish on Personal Credit System, and tried to do some work on basal research..The thesis can be divided into 4 parts. First, the relative concepts of personal credit system and why to establish are described. This pan is prepare for expand discussion. Second, introduce the detailed laws on personal credit system of America, German and Japan; at the same time, introduce national law on this aspect and make a brief comment. After that, through two years study of personal credit system, writer explores legal relations and between individual and information-offer organ, information-use organ; and legal relative problems of privacy. The law of personal credit is high integrated. But due to the urgency of establish persona! credit system, the writer comments to draft the law of personal credit management as soon as possible. The government should force relative department to open the information that is useful to credit organ. Establishing the evaluate system an improving outer circumstance can promote national personal credit system, which will let us enlist "credit nation".
Keywords/Search Tags:Discussing
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