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The Consumer Protection In The Paid Download Procedure Of The Softwares

Posted on:2005-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360125456173Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the different relations with the Internet, the I-commerce can be divided into the complete ones and the incomplete ones. The incomplete ones have low percentage of technology, so most problems therein are the different forms with the traditional contracts and would be easily solved by the existent laws. With the development of the technology and research, the complete I-commerce that based on the Internet from the negotiation to the performance of the contracts wells up. Accordingly, the evident and hidden invasions of the consumer right are becoming more and more. This thesis chose the typical kind of the complelel-commerce-the paid download of the soft wares online-as the subject, tried to make the initial discussion about maturity of the self-protection of the consumers and the concerning laws by the analysis of some concrete laches.The legal relationships, especially the subjects inner, are the foundation of the law systems. The whole thesis is composed by an introduction and text with a mainstay of the definition of each legal relationship. The text is divided into four parts-the business environment of the downloadable soft wares, the maintenance of the business order by the existing Civil Law, the method of the self-protection of the consumers and the supplement of the Consumer Law.The first chapter contains the interpretation of the title of the thesis. It discusses the characteristics of the downloadable soft wares, the paid download and the concept of CONSUMER by summing up the latest problems brought by the I-commerce.The second chapter analyses the form and content of the concrete laches of the downloadable soft wares in the field of Law relating to rights over Ihings, Conlracl Law and Law relaling to rights of person.The legislation currenl of I-commerce Law advocales the directive framework and the sell-discipline among trades. So the third charier dissertates the self-protection in the procedure of B2C, including the comprehension of the information concerned, the security of the conduction and the means of relief.As the finis, the last chapter arranges the improvement of the existing law in th: sequence of trade procedure from the substantive law to the adjective law so that it can echo the former part and draw the conclusion at the same time.
Keywords/Search Tags:the I-commcrce Law, software, consumer, electronic contract, right to privacy
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