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Strategy Selection Of Operating Risk Management Of China's Commercial Bank Under The New Basel Agreement

Posted on:2005-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China's entry into WTO and the globalization of economy and finance, our banking industry will face unprecedenteddevelopment chances and challenges. At the mean time, banking operating risk will be increased by the gradually opening of finance. A certain result of the increasing of banking risk is financial risk. Start from this point, it is very important to learn international practice carefully, carry out effective supervision and management of banks according to the popular game regulars.On the basis of this recognition, the first two chapters of the paper analyzed the problem of how to fulfill operating risk management by our Commercial Banks, from the basic theories of Commercial Bank's risk management and the contrast between the new and the old Basel Capital Agreement. It has also expressed in this paper the recognition of the boundary, characteristic, distribution and the measurement of operating risk of our Banking Industry. Upon the two chapters, the third chapter emphasized the current situation and development direction of Commercial Bank's operating risk, explored systematically the further courses caused by it. To realize it will borrow some ideas in preventing bank-operating risk, improving the core competitive power.The last chapter, based on the three chapters, focused on the strategy selection of Commercial Bank's introduced operating risk management under the frame of the new Basel Capital Agreement, including risk measurement selection, risk prewarning, and the construction of the internally control system and so on. My own opinions of administrative procedures, control mechanism, framework and organization structure of Commercial Bank's operating risk management also have been mentioned in the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:finance risk, operational risk, strategy selection
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