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Discuss The System Of Seeing Danger Not To Save

Posted on:2012-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335970248Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is based on the typical case of "See danger not to save", which have happened in recent years.The thesis will take the typical case of "See death not to save in Jilin" for instance, I will carry on analysis and thinking about those "See danger not to Save" behaviors which violate some obligation.The textual writing frame is divided into several steps as follows:Part One:Review and abstract the case of "See danger not to Save" briefly,which happened at our side in recent years.Next,pose a question:In the present legal framework of our country,when faced the "See danger not to save" behaviors that violate some obligation, in judicial practice,what is the best procedure,how do we make a judgment? Another important question, how do we deal with the case of disobeying the moral duty alone on legislation?Part Two:To analyze and summarize the concept of "See danger not to Save" with the logical method of Inductive reasoning and comparative analysis. The final purpose is to distinguish truth from nebulous concept and even falsehood about "See danger not to save",so as to lay a solid foundation for the thesis writing.Part Three:Analyzing from the angle of demonstration,and meanwhile by means of case analysis,that is to say, this text analyzes the typical case of "See danger not to Save"——"See death not to Save in Jilin" as No.1 in terms of the Law. The purpose is to achieve unity in understanding about the case on judicature layer and unity in solving methods, evidence and results.Part Four:The above-mentioned "See danger not to Save "case is typical, the defendant has obligations but he doesn't finish his duty.The duty is in all respects, which will be mentioned last. However,in our practical life, some people's "See danger not to Save "behaviors only obey the duty of moral, that is commonly referred,his conscience reproached him.How to deal with this kind of cases on judicature layer and on legislation layer. These are the aim and significance of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:See danger not to save, See danger to save, Legal system, Social harm
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