The medium and small stockholders (also called minority shareholders) is the relative concept on the company law put forward to big shareholder (or holding shareholder, majority stockholders),as the minority stockholder is the disadvantaged groups in the framework of company's power, in recent decades of development in the company system, the big shareholder has strengthened and abused the right through new mechanism and form, so that the right of minority stockholder is unable to be guaranteed. Improvement and innovation of legal mechanism of protecting minority stockholder become the focus issue in company law all over the world, and that how to design relevant system in order to get proper and sufficient protection to minority stock holder have a concern in how the company could survive steadily, and have long-term development.This text sets out from structuring the legal system of how to protect the minority stockholder's rights in the Limited Company of our country, especially in the listed company. With the method of comparing and analyzing, the text propose it under drawing lessons from the foreign advanced system and making the system compatible with the existing legal system of our country.The research of the text comes a conclusion that improve the protection system for minority stockholders in company law and relevant regulations, and make it practicable, so as to resume the minority stock holder's confidence and enthusiasm in investment, safeguard the stability of the security market. |