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Theory Of Shareholders’ Voting Rights For The Protection Of Minority Shareholders’ Interests And Rights

Posted on:2017-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R N FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The protection of minority shareholders’ rights has been the focus of company law The voting right is the medium of the shareholder’s participation in the company management The voting right is the basis and premise of shareholders’ other rights.From the angle of the shareholders’ voting rights, this paper discusses the protection of minority shareholders’ interests The special system for the protection of minority shareholders’ interests, such as the cumulative voting system, voting trust, collection of voting rights elimination of voting rights limiting the voting rights of controlling shareholders, which provides reference for the improvement of the shareholders’ voting rights in China.The whole thesis is divided into three parts:preface, text and the conclusion. The text is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the discussion of the shareholders’ voting rights This chapter including the contents of the two part First the connotation of the shareholders’ voting rights and the nature of the shareholders’ voting rights Second analyzes the importance of the shareholders’ voting rights, as well as the significance of the protection of minority shareholders’ voting rights.The second chapter discusses the basic principles of the shareholders’ voting rights Such as the one-hare one-vote and the principle of capital majority they are not enough to protect minority shareholders’ interests.The third chapter discusses the special system of protecting minority shareholders’ voting rights The core of this article is the statement of the cumulative voting system, the voting trust, the collection of the voting rights and the limitation of the voting rights.The fourth chapter analyzes the provisions of minority shareholders’ voting rights in China’s legal system, and puts forward some suggestions to improve minority shareholders’ voting rights in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:one share one vote, the principle of capital majority, cumulative voting system, voting trust, the collection of voting rights
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