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Special Tort Conduct And Doctrine Of Liability Dixation

Posted on:2007-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y JinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The writer feels keenly to return the huge miscellaneous but hard comprehension of the research theories of [with] responsibility principle to the special tort conduct and it currently in the process of studying tort conduct a method. The issue which returns a responsibility problem in the special tort conduct especially makes more general reader hard confidence, this won't the benefit returns a comprehending of responsibility principle and applies to the special tort conduct and it in people. Certainly, in the judicatory the fulfillment, also disadvantageous in conduct and actions provide the worker of the law, the lawyers of [with] law consultation or litigation instruction and take up this kind of judges of special tort conduct case in the individual case toward the victim of actual operation and usage. This text during the period of writing, the writer tries to return a responsibility principle to carry on treatise to the special tort conduct and it from five aspects, combining gradually overall of display special tort conduct toward people and it returns the deep content of [with] responsibility principle. Mention special tort conduct he beginning of the method in the beginning writer of article; let the understanding that people have a beginning to the special tort conduct slightly. Then one by one return the related and important concept of [with] responsibility principle to carry on to the special tort and it more analytical, induce, summary, and clarified individual ambiguous not pure concept. While discussing special tort conduct to return a responsibility principle some problems, the writer insists 4 dollars talks about of return responsibility principle system, and predict outcome fault the responsibility principle was reason and importance that a the special tort of [with] independence returns a responsibility principle to make affirmative argument. End, writer divide 2 are from the special tort conduct practice with return a responsibility principle in the judicatory of apply and in the individual case of didn't need a responsibility problem to carry on to elaborate completely, special tort conduct with return a responsibility principle from its basic theories to the actual usage in the fulfillment, more overall, the demonstration of system give reader.Special tort and it returns a responsibility principle to isn't only a crux but also a point in the whole tort conduct method. If controlled special tort conduct and it returns a responsibility principle, so also having real understanding and the comprehension to the whole infringement behavior method. Therefore pass to the special tort conduct with return the treatise of [with] responsibility principle, to overall, right of confidence this tort behavior legal theory talked about principle and its system to beat to descend solid foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tort, Doctrine of liability fixation, Liability without fault, Presumption of negligence
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