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On Responsibility Of School In The Students Injury On Campus

Posted on:2009-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ChenFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, injury case on campus have became a focus of great concern to the community. The report of injury case on campus in primary and middle schools used to be printed. And cause strong reflect and heated discussion in society. Campus assaults which causes injury to the student, family, school. Therefore, preventing Campus assaults about minor students is major issues of paying attention to the community, concern to the parent, the worry to the school.However, due to the delayed legislation, for the Assumption of the responsibility of the incident about the minor students injury on campus, It found that the practice community have different approaches, In theoretical circles have a lot of controversy, Resulting in a long time. Many of the schools in emergence of the minor student injury, Which had no idea what to do. Students became increasingly troubled by injuries in schools and block the development of the school's serious problems. From a legal perspective of how the student's injuries constitute a legal responsibility to identify and make full use of legal means to properly deal with student injuries and reduce injuries to the students of schools teaching the order of the negative impact of school teachers to effectively maintain the legitimate rights and interests of students. Has become a significant practical problem.In this article, the author combined with the reality of our country, described the incident a minor injury on campus students the concept of characteristics and types, a detailed analysis of the minor school students with the meaning of the legal relationship between the school and made a minor is a student of education Management relations. On this basis, for a minor injury on campus students responsible for the assessment of the nature of that injury to a minor incident on campus should apply the principle of fault, taking into account the principle of fairness. Students on campus and a minor injury incident liability on the composition and at the same time put forward a minor injury incident, a student on campus for the prevention and relief, with a view to resolving such incidents do modest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minors student, Injury case on campus, Legal relationship, Fault responsibility
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