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On The Spiritual Essence Of Scientific Outlook On Development

Posted on:2010-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275452543Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
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The development is the present era subject,and is Contemporary China's subject. As Hu Jintao said: "The experience indicated that a country persisted any type the development view, can have the significant influence to this national development, the different development view often can cause the different development result. " From Party's 17 reports mentioned the scientific outlook on development "the spiritual essence", this formulation becomes everybody attention the focal point, and launches a series of academic discussions. The the scientific outlook on development concept spiritual essence question receives the attention in academic circle.This article take the scientific development concept spiritual essence as the object of study, overall by four major part is composed.Part I: This is the entire chapter article foundation, elaborated studies this thesis several basic concept connotations. Mainly includes: "spiritual essence" scientific connotation and characteristic, "scientific development concept spiritual essence" limits. The spiritual essence is outside the content essence, is the thing unique rule attribute to the objective reality response. The spiritual essence to affects for the theory primary intention with the practice external response, can decide the theory nature, the appearance and the development basic attribute. Has the fundamentals, the guidance and the simplicity characteristic. Rests on the spiritual essence the limits, the explanatory science development concept spiritual essence. The scientific development concept's spiritual essence is to affects to the scientific development concept theory primary intention with the practice external response, can decide the scientific development concept theory nature, the appearance and the development basic attribute. The scientific outlook on development concept spiritual essence is realizes People-oriented,sound and rapid development,comprehensive development, closely covers "development" this foundation. Emphasized prominently what development realizes, how to realize the development, develops for anyone, depends upon question which who develops. Realizes People-oriented,sound and rapid development,comprehensive development. summary, can the scientific outlook on development concept connotation fundamental point, the foundation cover completely, manifests the scientific progress fully the idea and the request, in reality innovates unceasingly the development.Part II: the analytical study scientific development concept spiritual essence significance. The research scientific development concept spiritual essence's significance generally speaking has the theory significance and the practice significance. The theory significance deepened the Marxism and deepened about the development world outlook and the methodology to the scientific development concept understanding; The scientific outlook on development concept is to develops generally speaking method and the basic viewpoint, is the development newest idea, the scientific development concept proposed "realizes anything the development, how to realize the development, develops for anyone, depends upon who develops" the fundamental question, The research scientific outlook on development concept spiritual essence has carried on the scientific analysis and the reply for this fundamental question. The scientific development concept spiritual essence stressed that the integral development, is also good quickly develops, the humanist development, in "what development to realize, how to realize the development, develops for anyone, who depended upon to develop" in the question to manifest the Marxism world outlook and the methodology. And further deepened to the scientific development concept understanding.It is the essence of the scientific concept of development implies the development of philosophy and characteristics, determines the development of the theory of scientific development goal, the development of ideas and development strategies to guide and thus to the development of theory and practice and the overall long-term major impact. Practical significance is the development of innovative content of the practice is conducive to implementing the scientific concept of development and implementation of China's development is conducive to exploration mode.Part III: This part discusses the spiritual essence of the scientific concept of development of the basic performance. Were discussed from four aspects, first, people-centered scientific concept of development is the value of a spiritual essence. From the scientific concept of development of the unique people-oriented, and draws a distinction between the concept of scientific development andpeople-oriented thinking and the ancient Western thought, the scientific concept of development is people-oriented inheritance to promote Marxist humanism, thoroughly implemented the practice of China's social development will "people-oriented" to further develop the concept, the scientific development concept spiritual essence through the research scientific development concept's central content, enables the scientific development concept to have the substantiality and the pragmatically.Second, "sound and rapid development." the development thought is the scientific development concept spiritual essence strategic performance. sound and rapid the development way which the scientific development concept must realize, walks the scientific progress path's strategy. The scientific development concept entrusts with is also good quickly develops the thought new content, but the scientific development concept spiritual essence through must realize to the scientific development concept the development way's research, causes the concise quality, the guidance scientific development concept theory content to transform highly to have the effectiveness, the utility developmental strategy. Third, the comprehensive development's thought is the scientific outlook on development concept spiritual essence goal manifests. The integral development thought has manifested the development condition which the comprehensive development concept wants to achieve, is integral development which has unified planning, realizes the economical, political, cultural, social, the environment comprehensive development. Has unified planning integral development's organic unification's development system, has held the integral development thought inherent laws, has displayed the comprehensive development thought in the China modernization concrete application, through the scientific development concept spiritual essence research scientific development concept's development condition, enables to have the strong logic, the specialized scientific development concept theory content to transform to have the feasibility, the bootstraping development targets Fourth, The development takes the first essential meaning the thought is the scientific development concept spiritual essence subject appearance. Elaborated the development is the scientific development concept first essential meaning, the development is the penetration in the scientific development concept system info's master line, is its spiritual essence content subject appearance.Part IV: The part explained grasps the science development view energetic essence the basic principle.The science development view energetic essence is the spirit of the age value manifests with the material carrier, understood and grasps the science development view energetic essence to have to persist the principle.Grasps the science development view energetic essence, must persist emancipates the mind, realistic, keeps pace with the times, asks the really practical principle, the insistence practice standard principle and the regular principle.analyzed has insisted these principles the necessity and the correct assurance, these three principle dialectical unification objective practice, but also needs to pay attention to the objective reality question the complexity, needs other mechanisms and the principle grasps, for example: Party's general and specific policies, diplomatic principle and so on effective assurance, all possibly affects the science development view energetic essence the development transformation, this needs take these three principles as a datum, considers in the objective reality question the complex characteristic, Grasps the corresponding concrete principle to come better to realize the scientific development concept spiritual essence function in the objective practice the full display and the application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific Outlook on Development, People-oriented, Sound and rapid Development, Comprehensive Development
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