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Study On Defective Product Recall System In China

Posted on:2009-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y QinFull Text:PDF
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The defective product recall system is different from the rule of recall and existing post-sale services,the regulation of three responsibilities, buying back products.The target of the defective product recall system is to maintain the justice.With the development of the science and technology and the degree of the complication of the product, a great deal of safe problems in public have appeared because of defective product. The law which has something to do with the defective product recall system in the current law system just makes the law foundation of the defective product recall system in principle , lacking concrete operability. After the publishing and implementing of the regulations of defective automobile on october 1st 2004,a favorable beginning was set up for future all-round regulations of defective products,but it also has many defects,such as lacking complete law foundation in the law system,the contents did not go with the international habit.The defective product recall system with its unique function of maintaining social public safety and protecting consumers'rights and interests,has been carried out in many western developed countries.And the rule becomes more mature than before because of several year development.We should learn the advantages.Setting up the defective product recall system in our country can divide a few steps to carry on,firstly,we must perfect the existing law,then we must establish the rule of recalling defective products in China which includes law-making pattern,law principle,the main body of law-enforcing and recalling the standard and way of recalling,the responsibilities of the body failing to recalling and so on. At last we should perfect the mechanism of the defective product recall system.
Keywords/Search Tags:defective product, recalling system, perfecting law
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